Wedge-capped capuchins (Cebus olivaceus), black capped capuchin (Cebus apella), Geoffrot's marmoset (C. geoffroyi).


Welcome to the Simian Society of America, Inc., a resource for private owners and caretakers of nonhuman primates. Educating owners of pet monkeys since 1957 to improve the quality of their life. If you are a new owner, a long-time owner, or considering getting a monkey, membership in the organization will provide information to help you with a lifetime of care.  But please note that we do not recommend breeders. 


Our Mission


THE SIMIAN SOCIETY OF AMERICA is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 1957 to improve the welfare of primates in captivity. Composed primarily of private caretakers, membership also includes veterinarians, primatologists and zoological officials.


The SSA discourages the keeping of primates by individuals who do not understand their complex needs and the multitude of problems associated with keeping them.


However, for those committed to providing captive primates with long-term, care-conducive homes, the society offers health, diet, psychological well-being and management information as well as access to a network of experienced primate caretakers.


The Society maintains an active network through its monthly publication,  educational publications, biennial conventions and local chapters. In addition, the SSA sponsors primate rescue and placement efforts. Through this network, mature, unwanted primates have found permanent homes in wildlife sanctuaries and private homes with necessary permits.


For more information contact the SSA membership chairman





 Join The Simian Society of America Today! 

For emergency primate help or emergency placement please call:

Debbie Riga


Ann Newman


or email:

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