- Waterproof, plastic container to keep all supplies in
- Your vet's name, address and phone number, including after-hours emergency numbers if you have them.
- List of vets that will see monkeys, by state
- Names and phone numbers of 3 monkey mom friends that you trust completely to help you in any emergency
- Copies of important paperwork such as USDA papers, rabies certificate, immunization record, health certificate,
microchip certificate, etc. These should be copies, not originals, sealed in a waterproof cover.
- Notepad and pen for writing down instructions or directions
- Animal poison control hotline
1-800-548-2423 ($30 fee per call)
1-900-680-0000 ($2.95/minute up to $30)
- Infant CPR instructions
- Heavy leather or canvas gloves. Injured or frightened monkeys can be aggressive even if that is not their usual
- Hand sanitizer
- Antibacterial soap
- Latex gloves
- 2-3 clean diapers
- Travel-size package of baby wipes
- Diaper rash ointment
- Spare diaper cover
- Baby shampoo or wash
- Spare waist collar and leash
- Spare padlock and keys
- Plastic zip ties (cable ties) and wire cutter, useful for securing many things.
- 2-3 clean Ziploc bags
- Empty bottle and nipple
- Small plastic bowl and/or cup
- Small plastic spoon
- Small paring knife
- Feeding syringe for force-feeding
- Monkey biscuits sealed in a zip lock bag, or other food your monkey will eat in an emergency, such as whole-grain crackers.
Refresh the supply often.
- Infant formula powder and/or other nonperishable ingredients for making a bottle if your monkey is an infant or still takes a bottle
- Bottled water
- Pedialyte
- Pediasure
- Dry Jell-O
- Nutra-Cal or Nutra-Stat
- Special treats, such as lollipops, for bribing or trading
- Infant Tylenol
- Infant Benadryl
- Thermometer (ear style)
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Liquid charcoal (for poisoning)
- Pepto-Bismol
- Triple antibiotic ointment
- Superglue or skin adhesive product
- Styptic swabs, spray, or powder to stop bleeding
- Bandages or gauze pads
- Gauze wrap or strips of cloth or old T-shirts. Many uses for this including bandaging, splinting, restraints, and
- Q-tips
- Tape
- 2-3 feminine hygiene pads for soaking up liquid
- Dental floss to tie tight knots
- Ace wrap
- Towel and/or wash cloth
- Small blanket
- Heating pad
- 2-3 sterile syringes
- Pill crusher
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Curved hemostat
- Bolt cutters, for cutting locks in case of lost keys
- Pocket-size multipurpose tool
- Flashlight
- Extra batteries
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